Find the location you want your fireplace within 1m of an electrical outlet. All ambe fireplaces are plug and play- and operate by remote controlFind a location near an electrical outletCreate the framingConstruct the framing with and opening of 676W x 570H x 350D mm, any construction material is suitable as the outside of the product does not get hot. Add plasterboard and slide the fire in Finish your install with whichever wall material you like, then plug the fireplace in and slide it into place. For more information on the install process, see our documentation. Ambe electric fireplaces includes four interchangeable fuelbeds: Classic Logs, Black Acrylic, Clear Acrylic and White Stone.Fuelbed options Ambe electric fireplaces includes four interchangeable fuelbeds: Classic Logs, Black Acrylic, Clear Acrylic and White Stone.Fuelbed options Ambe electric fireplaces includes four interchangeable fuelbeds: Classic Logs, Black Acrylic, Clear Acrylic and White Stone.Fuelbed options Ambe electric fireplaces includes four interchangeable fuelbeds: Classic Logs, Black Acrylic, Clear Acrylic and White Stone.Fuelbed options 6/16 Paerangi Place, Tauriko, Tauranga ph:+64 7 543